Welcome to Youth 180!  Thank you for taking the time to find out a little more about us. 180 is for 6th grade through 12th grade, we meet each Sunday morning for Bible Study (10am) and each Wednesday evening (7pm) always digging deeper to learn and grow in God's Word and seek HIS direction for our lives. Our study time is filled with interactive ways of going deeper into God's Word.
Wednesday Night 180 we are on our series"DEFINED - Who God Says You Are"
Sunday Mornings 180 we are studyingThe Big Picture, Finding My Place in God's Story
Come Join Us!  Youth 180 service is downright awesome; filled with the Lord's Word first and then God honoring singing and activities that reinforce our desire to see young people come to know the Lord and follow Him. Come see for yourself. We will save a seat for you.
See you soon!
Mark Cagle